Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Wall

Its hard to let new things into my heart, after I built this wall. I built this wall to keep the hurt/pain away. But more things come in my direction, so I feel I have to build on to this wall in order to stop it, but it doesn't work.
Kind of like the Great Wall of China:
  1. At first, it was a big pile of dirt
  2. That didn't work, so China built more on to it
  3. It turned into this HUGE piece of stone
  4. It was meant to keep the Mongols out so they couldn't take over
  5. but it failed for the most part, and is now there for tourists to admire
I keep adding onto this wall, but really, what is it doing?
Its blocking. Its blocking things that I want and need, for example, love, strength, motivation, confidence and God.

What was in my heart before I began construction?
My friends, My family, animals, and some of God

I want to tear it down, or climb over it, but it is too hard. And with the motivation being blocked, what is going to get me over it? I'm trying to figure that out.
Most likely God is going to get me through it, but first, I need to let him back in. He will do it WITH me, but not FOR me. But with prayer, strength and Him, I can do this...

"I can do everything through Him who gives me strength" ~Philippians 4:13